Actress Khushboo met with a minor accident on Monday (January 27) when her vehicle was hit by a MTC (Metropolitan Transport Corporation) bus in Chennai at a signal. The tail lights, boot and bumper of the car were damaged but the actress, like many celebrities, did not display her anger in public rather just warned the driver of the bus to be more careful. Khushboo was in the Q5, which is gifted by her husband-director Sundar C.
She talked about it on Twitter. She posted, ""Wow!watte crash!! MTC crashes in 2 my car wen waiting at red light..boot,lights n bumper gone for a six..let him off with an advice n warning."
Her followers on Twitter were obviously worried and asked whether she was fine. She reacted, "Conveying her thanks to all those who enquired about her, she posted "Thanks 4 the concern friends..I m fine but heart bleeds as this car,Q5, is my gift to my hubby by me." She further added "1st thing dey do is remove the bus no.plate n route plate..driver doesn't carry license..he says nobody checks or ask..why?? Can we do this?"